Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dry Mango How Do You Dry Mango?

How do you dry mango? - dry mango

i really love dried mangoes, but her face soo me, I thought trying to dry my own, but do not know how!
Ideas or help?
Thank you:)


beebs said...

You can do this in a very low oven, but a dehydrator is the best (they can only be a few dollars in the stores of most economies, or to get around $ 50 at Wal-Mart / Kmart too. Just cut mango, in a mild solution of lemon juice thrown (to prevent rust) and dehydration for about 12 hours. I dry a lot of things, including making homemade cookies and crackers in my dehydrator. It is much cheaper to buy a dehydrator and your own on long term, in addition to avoiding sulfites used in trade matters.

katrina d said...

If you live in a hot, dry, dry fruits to stay in the sun for a few days. Otherwise, use an oven or dehydrator. Sulfur dioxide is sometimes fruit, improve their life and color.

reoudoit said...

dry as you can not handle the type of packaging, because other additives. Ive tried Coz I also love dried mangoes ..

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