Saturday, February 13, 2010

13 Death Anniversary For My Mom How To Cope With Mom's Death?

How to cope with mom's death? - 13 death anniversary for my mom

It was so sudden ... I was in school, when suddenly my father called me and told me she was in a critical condition. When I arrived, she was dead. I'm so stressed and depressed, and now the exams are just around the corner. Who would study in the mood, as her mother has just died? I'm 13 btw. In those days seemed very happy and even said that his marriage is to a great feast and wadeva he wants to eat, and I hope that too. My father agreed to the rule, stingy and my mother told me she had always wanted to prove once again that something like this happens ...


Pat B said...

I'm sorry. I lost my mother and I are still missing every day. I try to keep a picture of our best moments together. It helps me.
It will take time to learn, to get exactly how, every day.
Tests and examinations will enchant you with your life. Just do the best, but not too much stress in itself.
I was sick, when my mother died, more difficult from inactivity, because it would give my sisters and my brother called "the wave". My brothers had held jobs and children, proved to be difficult for them, but not all better than me.
Thus, the tests and everything is a violation of the "wave allowed"
I wish there was a word of wisdom or comfort, but it is not. It's difficult.
You are not alone. But this is something that alIVE through and I hope we do it much stronger.
Good luck with exams, and the "wave"

healthia... said...

Wow - I'm sorry. I have an idea of how they must feel, and I suggest you speak with your family - loved ones - and then a consultant, perhaps in the school because it's not really predictable and healthy place to get good support. May God bless you!

Samuel S said...

I was a little higher than what will happen if my mom. And what was in his situation very suddenly. Sorry for your loss Truley'm. I think the world is facing a different way, some crying, some people say that inside, some people something fun to do (work or leisure) file, but more importantly, you will appreciate the memory of his mother. And I promise you that in time will be easier. Remember that you are other relatives and friends who share the same pain as you have to go is, the time has come to rely on each other, and it will be for each other.
My condolences to you and your family. May your mother rest in peace.

iyiogren... said...

I'm sorry. We all love our parents. But if you think that mentally you have to study for exams more. Because they do not tell his mother, the study of my son. Study of writing and reading aloud. I want to help in your classes: mathematics, computer science, English, ....
Write. Send me your questions. If you use a scanner to scan and send if there is no problem.

carrieff... said...

First of all I would say I am very sorry for your loss. I can sortof understand why he feels like his. I can not really say what my mother died when she was 6 years old, was killed in a car accident knocked out by a drunk driver. But I thought, as I remember him, drop-out and told my mother was in hospital. I think the only way to overcome this, will talk with the times and with someone

theresa e said...

I went through the same thing two years ago. As a Christian, I only talk to God, I felt at any time and asked to walk me. Every time I prayed, I was relieved, as if a huge weight has been lifted off me.Why not only try to speak with Jesus. Say exactly how you feel and ask for help. Try to read the Bible.

mac said...

I'mso sorry for your mother, she seemed a very loving person!. You need someone who seems to trust you and the mockery of the earlier conversation, his father not to be, what you can .... for an older brother, maybe your mother had an aunt can speak - first try, someone in your family, interaction and discussion on this see --- and I do not know how to talk - you may need many hours to this process move the funeral - if someone in your family seems to fit the bill, try your school counselor. he / she is able to see one is real, for 13 years, a loss of a dear mother, something that will be with you for many years and is a very old and imppresionable advice at this stage can save many, many yearsNotes on the street. May God bless you and hope you get the help they need, not make more than they are now worried, at least you can make a pass for a month to get over it and you can give to make up for the summer school -- - it is the least of his worries now, but please remember --- remember all the good times the two have - if necessary, an album of photos I her and two --- Put your comments easily through the pictures - it all sounds corny, but remember is that the book in the coming years and may even show their children a book a day .. ............ Good luck to you ...... be strong and find the best person you can trust, and keep, in contact with them, even if the mother of a friend .. .....

babycake... said...

I'm sorry first. I feel like I'm gone, I lost my father, who was ill. I dealt with him for seven years, and spent at home with me and in my arms. Longer life is a process that we protect our loved ones who, when they were younger dont see dead. But then a little more to love, like your parents or losing grandparetns about is something to be dealt with most of us. One can never prepare for, but I think that much more difficult if your child or a parent and you pass on. Keep the head to the mother would not be sad. Man is more than keep them in good and take you one day. Over time, means doing something good for your life as if he were here and say that I am doing this because my mother would be proud of me. Agreeto weep and be sad. But at first glance it seems will never end. If they do best in school can be. And in the vicinity of those they love. Good luck and sorry again lost

BajaRick said...

Counsul go to school, they are trained to help in these areas

Angel's Memory said...

My deepest sympathy to you and your father. However, it is difficult to understand in your old age. We have the death, that from now on his face. I only know that my mother is looking out You.and want to be proud of. I am someone who believes that our loved ones are watching. While we live the rest of our lives. Peace have a Littlle.

Claude said...

The sorry to hear about your loss. I would just try to be strong for them and try to study and do my best on tests. You must always remember that your mother can be seen on your page, and guided. All is not well fade in time but the memories. She is in a safe place, and you should be happy for them. If the pain becomes unbearable, is my advice to the religious wants, if we are spiritually. If not see, simply, that everything happens for a reason. To find solace in those who are still alive and try to help them through this difficult time. Good luck .. Wait.

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